What do you think of my idea?

Monday, July 5, 2010

Help make my movie

To all who may read this: I am going to tell you the idea I have for a new movie. What I hope to accomplish, is for a writer to like my idea enough to want to help me finish writing it; filling in all the details and giving some personality to the characters. I also want a producer to like it enough to want to make it a movie, a director who wants to direct it, and some tallented actors, and actresses who would like to star in it!

What I am going to do, is tell you my idea. It is going to be a spectacular site to see on the big screen. I hope that we can pull it off. Just let me know if you like it. Send it to others, and tell them to send it to others if they like it. My hope is that enough people will read and enjoy the idea enough that we can accomplish all of my hopes and dreams for making "The Race", a cinematic reality.



Brandon, idea man. Techee. 19 smart
Caleb and Abby: Brandons, younger twins brother and sister. 15
Zach: Brandon's best friend. 19
Jessica: tomboy, love triangle between Brandon and Zach. 18
Dalton: funny side-kick, friend to all 17.
Officer Ralph Jones: Determined Cop. 30ish.

build a remote car that can be controlled with a computer to a cell phone inside the car. with a webcam built into the phone, with 4g/5g capability, connected to internet using skype. can talk to people through speakers built into cars, through mic on computer using skype. built in gps activated on the phones in the cars.

Brandon, always tinkering with his toys. disapointed with the limited range of his remote controlled car, comes up with an idea for long distance driving. Brandon designs a car, using parts from his cell phone, webcam, and his remote controlled car. he brings his patched together car to Zach, and explains to him the idea behind it and how it works. They go out and test the functionality and range of the car. testing the controls and the cam capibilities to see if connectivity allows for response time while driving, watching through cam.

Zach comes up with the idea for the two of them to have an area race. Caleb and Abby overhear them talking, and blackmail them into letting them in on the race. After the three, they collaborate and descide to let Jessica and Zach in on the plan. They all get to work on their one of a kind creations. Brandon descides to design a cool designed muscle car, built for speed and stability. Zach, not to be out-done, builds a monster truck for the possibility of off-road needs. Abby and Caleb after bickering on a design, descide to do a half pink half blue multi-designed race car. Dalton, a major nascar fan, designs a cool mini replica dale jr. or tony stewart inspired car. putting street slicks on the car built entirely for speed. Jessica puts together a pretty, but cool, street racing machine with an amazing paint design.


preparing for the race. work out the bugs. must do a test of cell service, to ensure no loss of connectivity to the cars at any point in the race. test the longevity of the batteries. Set up a meeting place and recharging area at the end of every leg of the race. they descide on a 3 hour race per day, three day race. cars may be repaired and recharged daily. Start time delayed depending upon the lead in the previous days race.

first leg of the race, a little rubbing and bumping between zach and brandon. race starts at 6am. dalton takes an early lead. after constant bickering over the controls, the twins car veers off onto the middle of the road and SPLATT!!! almost causing an accident. rest of the cars check in and the group vacates expeditiously. ending at 9am near a rest area. officer jones gets involved. investigating phone in splat vehincle, untraceable, but gps and ip address is found and is able to link into website where race is being held. he sits and waits for the rest to login. investigates and questions witnesses, obtains partial description of cars in a possible race on side of road. first day, dalton comes in first, then jessica, brandon then zach.

leg 2:
night before the race, zach takes his dirt bike off road through the desert, making a clear shortcut for his truck to travel the next day. he takes is truck off-road, and arrives at the checkpoint uneventfully, in first place. officer jones constant monitoring of the web, ip tracking, is contacted when the race is back on. the chase is on to stop the race. dalton does to much showing off and peeling out, running from the cops. he flips the car and blows up the motor in his car and it burns up. cool visual.. melting as flames lick up around the webcam plastic melting around it as it fades to black. the remaining two cars split up and drive in different directions, avoiding the police. cars top 20 miles an hour. they take alternate routes, and after stop and go for a little while, finally escape the police and meet up at the checkpoint. zach is first after cheating. brandon comes in second and then jessica the final of the three remaining cars. officer jones left scratching his head.

leg 3:
zach brandon and jessica. lots of flirting between them. boys bickering and plenty of healthy competition. the twins ribbing them about a girl gonna beat them both. blah blahh.... close race after overhauling and new parts and tires, recharging and refueling. officer jones things he has figured out the race time and loation. a squad of police staking out the predicted start and ending locations. kids, knowing the police are onto them, descide to start the race an hour early, beginning the race at 5am, daybreak. race exciting start. other kids have hacked into the site and are able to watch the webcast, live. they are able to switch between camera views from one car to the other. a blog has been created and people are posting and taking bets on the winner. after racing for two hours cops finally hack the ip and view the webcast. they figure out the location of the cars and units are dispatched. another persuit ensues. racing through the tiny sidestreets of the city, to the final destination. the group of teenagers are waiting in the park with thier laptops. avoiding the cops and still racing to the end the cars round the corner and are finally in site. brandon and zach spin each other out feet before the finish line. both cars end over end spinning over and over as jessica passes them both crossing the finish line first. Jessica is victorious. beautiful ending. Brandon and jessica look at each other, after being such good friends forever. they smile at each other and kiss. the best kiss ever. the cop cars surround the cars. the kids close thier laptops as officer jones stares into the cam of the banged up and smoking cars. zach talks into the mic of his computer. "nice try officer jones". they all walk away smiling and laughing, in the oppisite direction from where the cars and police are.

spotlight the kids walking away, laughing and arms around each other. flash to future. a picture of them later in life with text of what they all grow up to accomplish.

well, that is my idea. I am hoping that we can interrest a cell provider to sponsor the movie and use the release of the movie as a launching ground for thier new cell phone with webcam capibility, for video conferencing and communication with family and friends while you are on the go. also, would love for the technology to be used in the radio controlled car field. R.C. companies can use this to release thier new long range driving vehicles. it can become a new craze. we can use the cars to have a yearly race inspired by the movie. three one hour races, illimination style. top 20 from the first two races race against each other for the win in the final 3rd race. it could become soo popular that we could fill race tracks like bristol. have the cars do monthly races on the smaller tracks. I think we can make it all happen. we have to make the movie first.

If you believe in this looking as great on the big screen, as I belive it will, please let me know. Send this to anyone and everyone you think might like it also. Lets get this idea, and turn it into the summer blockbuster that I believe it can be.